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      The Way
      Out Of My Head

The Way
They made up their minds
And they started packing
They left before the sun came up that day
An exit to eternal summer slacking
But where were they going without ever
Knowing the way?

They drank up the wine
And they got to talking
They now had more important things to say
And when the car broke down they started walking
But where were they going without ever
Knowing the way?

Anyone can see the road that they walk on
Is paved in gold
And it's always summer
They'll never get cold
They'll never get hungry
They'll never get old and grey
You can see their shadows wandering off
They won't make it home
But they really don't care
They wanted the highway
They're happier there today

Their children woke up
And they couldn't find them
They left before the sun came up that day
They just drove off and left it all behind 'em (leavin' it all behind)
But where were they going without ever
Knowing the way?

Anyone can see the road that they walk on
Is paved in gold
And it's always summer
They'll never get cold
They'll never get hungry
They'll never get old and grey
You can see their shadows wandering off
They won't make it home
But they really don't care
They wanted the highway
They're happier there today

Anyone can see the road that they walk on
Is paved in gold
And it's always summer
They'll never get cold
They'll never get hungry
They'll never get old and grey
You can see their shadows wandering off
They won't make it home
But they really don't care
They wanted the highway
They're happier there today

(leavin' it all behind)
Out Of My Head
Sometimes I feel
Like I am drunk behind the wheel
The wheel of possibility
However it may roll
Give it a spin
See if you can somehow factor in
You know there's always more than one way
To say exactly what you mean to say

Was I out of my head? Was I out of my mind/
How could I have ever been so blind?
I was witing for an indication
It was hard to find
Don't matter what I say only what I do
I never mean to do bad things to you
So quiet but I finally woke up
If you're sad then it's time you spoke up too
         Clases de Música
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